New Programming!

Aug 15

Hey gang,

I hope everyone’s Sunday is going great! A few minor tweaks are currently changing within the program, but for the most part, many of you won’t see the significant change. This will be new for those who have just joined the fam (Welcome!). For our members who have been here for a bit, the next couple of cycles is explained below for your enjoyment, or not. 😉

Below are the next many months of STRENGTH & CONDITIONING (only) programming we have in the works. Something we all have to recall about the sport of CrossFit is being a jack of many trades and a master of none. The program is based on GPP (General Physical Preparedness) for the general clientele. If any of us here have a specific goal in mind, reach out to one of us to possibly help you succeed in this. The plan will take time outside regular class times and won’t be included in the current group class pricing. That being said, several things are a massive benefit of being a member of future programming.

Each member will have access to all regular WODs as usual. We will also have a completely private Competition Track (Comp Track) for any of those who want a little more than just the regular class workouts. With that perk, we must all follow the rule that community and classes come first. That means the programmed class workout will be done as follows unless there is a sub you and the coach have discussed. The Comp Track workouts can only be done before or after a class in the strength room area or during open gym time. Your cooperation is much appreciated during this new transition. If you have more questions on this part, don’t hesitate to contact me directly; this type of volume is more than most of us have done.

I have written up our focus and goals with each training cycle as we lead into the following year. We hope they build and progress thoughtfully with each phase to allow for continued progression and growth with all athletes, from beginners to competitive athletes.

We are hitting the Week of August 15th through August 21st. This week is a transition week that will help to set up our next cycle. Our next cycle will add a lot more absolute strength and power development along with weightlifting complexes (barbells, KBs, DBs). We will also be including specific strength/skill development for gymnastics along with a progressive 5k row program built into the programming. This week we will have a fun mix of strength, conditioning, gymnastics, and mixed pieces.

Aug 15th-October 16th (Cycle 3), 8 Weeks + Deload and Re-Test Weeks (total of 10)

#1) Conjugate Style Strength** Cycle (Heavy Leg Day + Heavy Upper, Dynamic Leg + Dynamic Upper), This will look different than classical conjugate, so it follows better in the class setting but works very well for developing a more extensive strength base for athletes and will keep things fun.

#2) 3 Pos Snatch + 3 Pos Clean begging of the cycle, then EMOM single work towards the end of the cycle

#3) DB or KB Complex Workout Weekly

#4) Friday Finishers

#5) Partner Hero WOD Saturdays Continue from the last cycle

**To learn more about Conjugate Style Strength, click the link.

OPEN BASE CYCLE October 17th-December 25th (8 Weeks + Re-Test week) 9 Weeks Total

#1) 20 Rep Back Squat Cycle

#2) 20:00 EMOM Capacity Work Progression

#3) Weekly Open Repeat Workouts

#4) Higher Skill Volume Progressions

#5) Push Press 5RM Cycle

#6) Weekly Bodybuilding Session for enhanced tendon strength to handle the volume in the open build cycle


The most important factor to me when it comes to training UFIT is keeping morale high and doing fun workouts that no one has ever done before, but if you can do that while also making people stronger, sexier, and healthier, then that’s what we have here with UFIT!


These workouts are always about 40+ minutes long, including lots of conditioning, lighter weights, higher reps, and core work, all mixed from start to end!

Sample workouts:


35 min to get as far as possible…

30 Devil Press
Run 1 mile
60 V ups
Run 1 mile
90 Burpee

Every 5 min. x 25min.

  • 40 Mt. Climbers
  • 12/9 Cal Row
  • 12 Burpees
  • 12 DB Thrusters

(Rest 5 min. before moving on to Part B)

Thank you all for taking the time to read through this, and enjoy the next months of FUN!

Enjoy the rest of your day, and please reach out with any questions!

Lorenzo Hernandez

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