Halloween Chipper

Oct 31

Happy Halloween!!!! Costumes are encouraged and perhaps even rewarded!!!!!

Chipper- 10:31 (10 movements at 31 reps of each)

We are doing everything we can to escape from and crush these Zombies.

Also: EMOM everyone must stop their movement and do 5 Frankenstein walks, go for style points here… Walk and make noises like a zombie.

31 Double Unders We are jumping and dodging Zombies here.
31 Strict Pull-Ups-  We are trying to climb up a wall to get away.
31 Box Jumps- We are trying to jump over obstacles to escape.
31 Hand Release Push Ups -They caught up to us and we are pushing them away from us.
31 Toes 2 Bar We are kicking the Zombies away from us.
31 Goblet Front Squats -We are pulling the Zombie’s bodies apart squatting with their heads in our hands. I’m starting to feel twisted and weird!
31 Medicine Ball Cleans -We are ripping the Zombie heads off and cleaning them.
31 Zombie Head Wall Balls (reg wall balls with a special name) Now that we have ripped off their heads we are throwing them against the wall.
31 Thriller lunges (men #25 plate/women #15 plate or 20/10 slamball-”Zombie Heads”) straight over head with arms in locked out position. We are carrying the heads away from their body to get rid of them once and for all.
31 Ab mat Situp Tossing Ball at wall- We are smashing there heads against the wall and then the floor to finish them off.

We adopted this WOD from CrossFit Pure in Georgia!!!! www.crossfitpure.com They are clearly a lot of fun!!!!

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Ghosts of Halloween Past!!!
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