Double Unders and Oreos??? And a testimonial by Crystal Richards!

Mar 13

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Oh my! Did any one see the moon tonight? A delicate little silver sliver, all laying on her back. The new moon is time to set your intentions and affirm your commitments. It is the time to tell the universe what you want for yourself. Let go of the things and behaviors that do not serve you and fulfill you anymore and create something new!!!

Training Day
A) power clean 2-2-2-2-2
B) Oreo
(The cookies are double unders/creamy center is barbell complex)
 100 DU, then,
6 rds of
2 power clean
2 front squat
2 push press
2 back squat
2 behind the neck push press
…then 100 DU
-15 min cap
(The complex is done with the heaviest weight possible…that’s calculated by heaviest for the weakest move)
  Each round unbroken

The following is an amazing, awe inspiring, heart filling testimonial about one beautiful and unstoppable journey that began a year ago at Undisputed Fitness.

By Crystal Richards:

It’s my 1 year anniversary doing Crossfit. This is perfect timing for me to reflect. I’m about to get publicly Really real. Read on if you like.
Its hard to explain what a crazy adventure this is for me, discovering this athlete hidden inside.

I think back on the first day walking into UNDISPUTED FITNESS . Fearful and excited. Nate Harris was so encouraging in those first few weeks. I needed it. I would go to my car after class and cry – in amazement. Gratitude. Pain. But, I always wanted more. And every class I get stronger. Over the last year I have doubled, and in some cases tripled my personal records weight lifting. Gone from a 2″box jump to 16″. I can run a mile! I do double unders now. And squats- forget about it – I’ve got it on lock.

I join Crossfit challenges.

I’m 50 inches smaller!

And, I pushed through those last few pounds to meet my 100 pound goal while building mad muscle.

But, to only talk about the physical aspects would neglect a substantial part of my growth. I now know, no matter what it is I want I can have it. Its not perfect and I still struggle with confidence, but I know I am “willing to run when I can, walk if I have to, and crawl to finish if that’s what it takes.” I always could. I just didn’t believe. This is literal and figurative. I’m not sure I would have found this out any other way. The Helen challenge really cracked this open for me. Competition brings things out you didn’t know you had. I changed. I think I even smiled powering through those last few pull ups. Everyone cheering. And Heather McKearnan full body hugging me when I finished. The pride.

I have met the Most Amazing people. My Tribe. My family.

The gratitude for the support and encouragement I have received makes my heart burst. Jenna Rios patiently helping me finish a workout when I was sure I would barf. Or die. Or both. Dario Xavier Jimenez and Phil Madrid running with me in the parking lot after they were done to “team build”. The tearful hugs with Diana Hesch. The laughs. The countless conversations with Joseph Romero. The endless love and support from Tait Fletcher. Crow Rising helping me commemorate all my hard work. And ALL of the moments small and large with everyone I’ve encountered through Crossfit Santa Fe have made my heart grow and determination more resolute.

So today I say Thank You. Thank you to all the people in my life who have listened, supported, encouraged or cheered.

Who knows what this next year holds. I’m still All In, maybe more than ever.

So go get yours. Whatever it is.

I’m gonna keep getting mine!

My hero- Crystal Richards


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