
Apr 05

Strength 101 begins Monday April 15th at 6:30PM.  Coach Dom will hold this speciality class 3 days a week, falling on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for 8 weeks!


The main lifts that will be tested and trained are, Standing Press, Deadlift and Back Squat.  But have no worries, Coach Dom will have a high volume of accessory work that will strengthen all these major lifts.


The big point of this program is to build a STRONG foundation of strength and new PR’s.  We highly recommend that when taking this course, you stick to doing uFit for conditioning on the off days.  The volume and loads are challenging and Coach wants you to get the most out of this course.


Members this course is 50% off the regular $550 for non-members.  If you have friends interested in creating a strong foundation, refer them and if they sign up we will give you $50 CASH!


Here is the link to sign up!

Contact Coach Lorenzo or Dom with the members discount code!

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