Strength & Conditioning

Strength & Conditioning Wednesday, August 24th


Jerk For Load:

Pause Split Jerk + Split Jerk

(;02 Pause in dip position)

E2MOM for 12 Minutes

Set 1: 2+1 reps @ 60%

Set 2: 2+1 reps @ 60%

Set 3: 2+1 reps @ 65%

Set 4: 2+1 reps @ 70%

Set 5: 1+1 reps @ 70%

Set 6: 1+1 reps @ 70%

% are based off your 1rm Split Jerk


Weightlifting and Gymnastics

“Omar” Every 90sec for 18:00, Alt Stations

Station 1:

1 Pause Power Clean

2 Low Hang Power Cleans

1 Power Clean

*increasing loads

*pause 1sec, 2” below knees

55%-70% of Power Clean


Station 2:

Option 1: 8-12 Bar Muscle-Ups

Option 2: 15-20 Kipping/Butterfly C2B Pull-Ups

Strength & Conditioning Tuesday, August 23rd

Strength (20:00 Clock Time)

Part A)

5:00 AMRAP

1:00 Dead-Hang (Accumulated)

Max Strict Pull-Ups in Remaining Time

R: 5:00 *Set-up Bench Press

Part B)


Establish a 5RM Bench Press

Conditioning (15:00 Clock Time)

“Hector the Toad”

3:00 AMRAP, 1:00 Rest, 4 Sets

15 Toe to Bar

15/11 Cal Echo

Max Rep DB Thruster 50/35#

Goal: 1:00 DB Thrusters (~15 Reps)

Strength & Conditioning Monday, August 22nd


In a 15:00 Window: Find a 1RM Box Squat



“Nick the Pig”

8:00 AMRAP

8 Goblet Squat 70/53#, 32/24kg

8 American KBS 70/53#, 32/24kg

8 Box Jumps 30/24’’

Goal: 4+ Rounds

Strength & Conditioning, Ufit (SWEAT/HIIT) Saturday, August 20th


For Time

800 meter Run

50 Back Squats 135/95#, 61/43#

50 Bench Press 135/95#, 61/43#

800 meter Run

35 Back Squat 135/95#

35 Bench Press 135/95#

800 meter Run

20 Back Squat 135/95#

20 Bench Press 135/95#

800 meter Run

1 Muscle-Up (each partner)


*For Time w/Partner

Partners Run Together, split the rest of work with your partner

Strength & Conditioning Friday, August 19th


Every 2:30 for 10:00

10 Strict Press

100ft Sandbag Carry (heavy) b/s

*Strict Press @ 60-65% holding across

sub for sandbag carry would be dual kb front rack carry



For Time

300/250m Row

50 Double Unders

25 Dual DB Push Press

50 Double Unders

800/700m Echo Bike

50 Double Unders

25 Dual DB Push Press

50 Double Unders

300/250m Row

10 Devils Press

Load: 50/35#

Time Domain:


Time Cap: 15:00

Strength & Conditioning Thursday, August 18th


“Bank Roll”

Every 6:00 for 30:00

2 Rounds

8/6 Strict Pull-Ups

12 Renegade Rows 50/35#

16 Wall Balls 20/14#

Goal: ~4:00 for each 2 round segment

Strength & Conditioning Wednesday, August 17th

Strength (12:00 Clock)

5 Sets

6 Romanian Deadlift 31×1 Tempo

:30/:30 Paloff Press Hold

Choice on Load and Tension

R: as needed b/s


“Loose Change”

10:00 AMRAP


Deadlift 225/155#, 102/70kg

Toe to Bar

@ 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00 Complete 30sec Handstand Hold (Wall Supported)

Goal: Round of 18+

Strength & Conditioning Wednesday, August 17th

3 Rounds:

3min. AMRAP:

7 DB Front Squats

7 Ballistic Sit Ups

7 Push Ups

Rest 1min.

(go to next AMRAP below)

3min. AMRAP:

8 DB Front Rack Lunges

8 Med Ball Clean

8 Cal Row

Rest 1min.

(go to next AMRAP below)

3min. AMRAP:

9 Up Downs

9 Crossbody Toes Taps

9 Air Squats

Rest 1min.


(go back to the first amrap)


Each full round is 12min. (36min. Total).

Strength & Conditioning Tuesday, August 16th


Every 2:00 for for 10:00

3 Overhead Squats

*starting @ 70% of 1RM



5 Rounds for time

400m Run

15 Overhead Squats 95/65#, 43/30kg

Time Domain: 11:00-15:00 

Time Cap: 18:00

Strength & Conditioning Monday, September 15th


“Andrew Jackson”

20:00 AMRAP

12 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20″

8/6 Ring Muscle-up

6 Power Cleans 185/125#, 84/57kg

Goal: 5+ Rounds

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