Sandbag Front Squat

Apr 06

The sandbag front squat is one of the most effective strength exercises yet one of the most under utilized exercises. The sandbag front can be performed many ways. The most common is the “bear hug” version of the sandbag front squat. This involves lapping the sand bag and wrapping your arms around the sand bag. The benefits of performing the sandbag front squat include increased strength in the posterior chain. The sandbag front squat serves as a great corrective exercise for those who struggle with a barbell front squat. A barbell front squat requires a tremendous amount of thoracic, shoulder and hip mobility. The sandbag allows for weight to be front-loaded while keeping the shoulders in a neutral position. The sandbag will increase midline stabilization and help athletes in keeping an upright/vertical torso while performing a front loaded squat. This exercise also helps athletes with keeping their weight on their heels and tracking the knees to the outside and over the center of the foot.

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