Log Clean & Press

Apr 04

The Log Clean and Press is a great exercise for those looking to increase strength and power in the lower, mid-, and upper body. The hips are “coiled” then violently extended so that the log rolls up the torso into a front rack position. The energy is transferred from the glutes and hamstrings at the hip, through the mid-section as the log is cleaned. The large diameter of the log changes the center of gravity so that the majority of weight is shifted further in front of the body, compared to that of a traditional barbell front rack. This shift in the center of gravity increases midline stabilization and thus increased core strength. The log also teaches us to have a “perfect” vertical dip position. The knees are tracked to the outside and over the center of the foot, so that the chest remains in a vertical position in order to keep the log over the frontal plane and maximize efficiency during the press. The neutral grip within the log keeps the shoulders safe and makes it easier for anybody who suffers from poor shoulder mobility or pain during traditional barbell presses.

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