Farmer’s Carry

Apr 08

When we speak of GPP (General Physical Preparedness), the first thing that comes to my mind is “functional” exercise. The farmer’s carry is the epitome of functional exercise. Every single person who goes shopping, especially for groceries, performs farmer’s carries. It is a very simple exercise: you pick up some really heavy objects and you walk with with them. Yet as simple as the exercise is, the benefits are substantial. Amongst the benefits are HUGE increase in grip strength and midline stabilization. No other exercise targets the grips more than the Farmer’s Carry. An athlete is often limited in the weight of many of their lifts by their grip strength. The handles used, often times allow us to load our bodies with more weight than we could deadlift, because of the height at which the handles are set. At the beginning of the carry, you are at greater mechanical advantage compared to that of a traditional deadlift. All of the flexor and extensor muscles of the forearm are engaged in order to pick that weight up. The Farmer’s carry is also great for developing core strength and improve midline stabilization. Once you stand with that weight and begin to walk, almost every single muscle in the body works together in order stabilize the body. It helps teach optimal alignment of the body, where you can maximize movement efficiency.

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